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100+ từ vựng B1, B2 chủ đề Thế giới tự nhiên và Môi trường (Nature & Environment) cho IELTS

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Cùng IPS tổng hợp 100 từ vựng thông dụng chủ đề Nature & Environment mức độ B1 & B2 giúp bạn ghi điểm trong bài thi IELTS. Ghi nhớ dễ dàng hơn khi học kèm ví dụ minh hoạ nhé!

STTTừ vựngPhiên âmNghĩa tiếng ViệtVí dụ
1agriculture (n)/ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə(r)/ngành nông nghiệpAgriculture is still largely based on traditional methods in some countries.
2aid (n, v)/eɪd/viện trợ, nguồn viện trợA regular flow of humanitarian aid (viện trợ nhân đạo) into Gaza is now desperately needed.
3alternative fuel (n)/ɔːlˌtɜːnətɪv ˈfjuːəl/nguyên liệu thay thếBiodiesel is a clean-burning alternative fuel.
4avalanche (n)/ˈævəlɑːnʃ/tuyết lởThe decline of agriculture in mountainous regions has led to an increase in the number of avalanches.
5biofuel (n)/ˈbaɪəʊfjuːəl/nhiên liệu sinh họcBiofuels produce fewer carbon emissions than fossil fuels, thereby reducing air pollution.
6biome (n)/ˈbaɪəʊm/quần thể sinh vậtRainforests are the oldest living biomes on Earth.
7cage (n, v)/keɪdʒ/lồng nhốt động vật, bỏ lồngWhether in zoos or factory farms, caged and abused animals need our help.
8cable (n)/ˈkeɪbl/dây cápThese fiber-optic cables (dây cáp quang) can carry telephone calls and computer data.
9carbon dioxide (n)/ˌkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd/khí CO2Hotter days could be ahead as the carbon dioxide levels in Earth’s atmosphere continue to rise.
10carbon footprint (n)/ˌkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/dấu chân carbon, khí thải nhà kínhLowering your carbon footprint can be done by reducing your waste, eating fewer animal products, and traveling smarter.
11clean up (phr. v), clean-up (n)/ˈkliːn ʌp/dọn dẹpResidents have called for a clean-up campaign to keep their streets free from rubbish.
12climate action (n)/ˈklaɪmət ækʃn/hành động vì khí hậuA growing number of people believe that further climate actions must be taken.
13climate crisis/climate emergency (n)/ˈklaɪmət kraɪsɪs/, /ˈklaɪmət ɪmɜːdʒənsi/cuộc khủng hoảng khí hậu, tình trạng khẩn cấp về khí hậu2023 smashed the record for world’s hottest year, an alarming sign of the climate crisis we are in.
14coastline (n)/ˈkəʊstlaɪn/đường bờ biểnMeasures were taken to protect the coastline from the oil spillage (sự cố tràn dầu).
15commercial farming (n)/kəˌmɜːʃl ˈfɑːmɪŋ/nông nghiệp thương mạiIn commercial farming, crops are harvested and sold in the world markets.
16conservation (n)/ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/, /ˌkɑːnsərˈveɪʃn/sự bảo tồnThe Indochinese tigers, classified as endangered 1B in Vietnam, are included in the national conservation program.
17consume (v), consumption (n)/kənˈsjuːm/, /kənˈsʌmpʃn/tiêu thụ,sức tiêu thụ25% of the world’s population consumes 80% of the planet’s resources;Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.
18coral (n)/ˈkɒrəl/, /ˈkɔːrəl/san hôScientists study the ecology of Madagascar to learn how the warmer ocean affects the coral reefs (rặng san hô).
19creature (n)/ˈkriːtʃə(r)/sinh vậtHumans share the land with all living creatures and have a duty to preserve their habitat.
20crop (n)/krɒp/, /krɑːp/mùa vụRice is a staple crop for more than half of the world’s population.
21current (n)/ˈkʌrənt/, /ˈkɜːrənt/dòng nướcChanges in ocean currents can have drastic effects on marine life.
22cyclone / hurricane / typhoon (n)/ˈsaɪkləʊn/, /ˈhʌrɪkən/ /ˈhɜːrəkeɪn/, /taɪˈfuːn/các từ chỉ bão nhiệt đới mạnhThe hottest time of year coincides with the typhoon season.
23deforestation (n)/ˌdiːˌfɒrɪˈsteɪʃn/nạn phá rừngDeforestation leads to more landslides during heavy rains.
24die out (phr. v)/daɪ aʊt/chết dần chết mònMany species of big cats are dying out because of habitat loss.
25disaster area (n)/dɪˈzɑːstər eəriə/khu vực thảm họaAfter the hurricane, the state was declared a disaster area.
26diversity (n)/daɪˈvɜːsəti/sự đa dạngVietnam is in world’s top 16 countries with the richest biodiversity (đa dạng sinh học).
27domestic (adj)/dəˈmestɪk/nuôi nhàMost domestic cats hate getting wet.
28drought (n)/draʊt/hạn hánThe country’s entire grain harvest has been hit by drought.
29dump (v)/dʌmp/đổ đi, bỏ đi90% of American rubbish is dumped in landfill sites.
30earthquake (n)/ˈɜːθkweɪk/động đấtThe earthquake measured 68 on the Richter scale.
31eco-friendly / environmentally friendly (adj)/ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/, /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentəli ˈfrendli/thân thiện với môi trườngInstead of plastic bags, he takes an eco-friendly reusable canvas shopper.
32ecosystem (n)/ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/hệ sinh tháiThe region’s ecosystem is fragile and would suffer enormous damage if an oil tanker sank or leaked.
33emission (n)/ɪˈmɪʃn/khí thải độc hạiMany countries are reluctant to cut emissions if it means sacrificing economic growth.
34endangered (adj)/ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/bị đe dọa, có nguy cơ tuyệt chủngThe sea turtle is an endangered species.
35energy-saving (adj)/ˈenədʒi seɪvɪŋ/tiết kiệm năng lượngHigher energy prices are a motivation for energy-saving innovations.
36environmental (adj)/ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl/thuộc về môi trườngWe are seeing ever-increasing levels of environmental degradation.
37erosion (n)/ɪˈrəʊʒn/tình trạng xói mònCutting down forest trees can lead to serious soil erosion.
38erupt (v),eruption (n)/ɪˈrʌpt/,/ɪˈrʌpʃn/(núi lửa) phun tràoSince the volcano last erupted/the volcano’s last eruption, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
39extinct (adj),extinction (n)/ɪkˈstɪŋkt/, /ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn/(tình trạng) tuyệt chủngA comet colliding with the earth may have caused the mass extinction of the dinosaurs/ led to the dinosaurs becoming extinct.
40farmland (n)/ˈfɑːmlænd/đất nông nghiệpLandslides can bury farmland under debris, making it unsuitable for cultivation.
41fish farm (n)/ˈfɪʃ fɑːm/ao thả cáAbout 43% of all fish eaten around the world are raised on fish farms, according to a U.N. report.
42flood (n, v)flooding (n)/flʌd/,/ˈflʌdɪŋ/lũ lụt, ngập lụtSeveral families living by the river were flooded out (= forced to leave their houses due to flood).
43food chain (n)/ˈfuːd tʃeɪn/chuỗi thức ănCorn has many uses throughout the food chain as feed for animals and as an ingredient on its own.
44fossil fuel (n)/ˈfɒsl fjuːəl/,/ˈfɑːsl fjuːəl/nhiên liệu hóa thạchFossil fuel reserves are rapidly being depleted.
45fuel (n)/ˈfjuːəl/nhiên liệuMost of the houses are heated with solid fuel (= wood, coal, etc.).
46freshwater (adj)/ˈfreʃwɔːtə(r)/nước ngọtThey sell freshwater and marine fish for aquariums.
47generate (v)/ˈdʒenəreɪt/tạo ra (điện,…)The wind turbines are used to generate electricity.
48genetically modified (GM) (adj)/dʒəˌnetɪkli ˈmɒdɪfaɪd/biến đổi genGenetic modification can produce more nutritious food that also tastes better and requires fewer pesticides.
49geographical (adj)/ˌdʒiːəˈɡræfɪkl/thuộc về địa lýThe importance of the town is due to its geographical location.
50glacier (n)/ˈɡlæsiə(r)/băng trôiGlobal warming is causing glaciers to melt.
51global heating /global warming (n)/ˌɡləʊbl ˈhiːtɪŋ/, /ˌɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/tình trạng nóng lên toàn cầuScientists fear that global warming has gone beyond the point of no return.
52go green (v phr.)/ɡəʊ ɡriːn/trở nên thân thiện hơn với môi trườngA lot of building material manufacturers are going green by using recycled and sustainable products.
53grassland (n)/ˈɡrɑːslænd/đồng cỏThe lion adapted itself to dry, open grassland where a yellow coat was most effective.
54green belt (n)/ˈɡriːn belt/vành đai xanhOver 20,000 trees were planted in Pleiku, Gia Lai Province in 2019 in an effort to create a green belt.
55greenhouse (n)/ˈɡriːnhaʊs/nhà kínhThe burning of fossil fuels for electricity largely contributes to the greenhouse effect.
56habitat (n)/ˈhæbɪtæt/môi trường sốngThe panda’s natural habitat is the bamboo forest.
57highland (n, adj)/ˈhaɪlənd/(thuộc về) vùng cao nguyênThe central highland region is temperate, and nights can get chilly.
58hydroelectric (adj)/ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlektrɪk/thủy điệnA hydroelectric plant (nhà máy thủy điện) is expensive to build but cheap to run.
59landfall/landslide (n)/ˈlændfɔːl/, /ˈlændslaɪd/lở đấtThe house was buried beneath a landslide.
60landfill (n)/ˈlændfɪl/bãi rácLandfill space is shrinking while the quantity of waste generation continues to expand.
61landscape (n)/ˈlændskeɪp/cảnh quanThe impact of farming on the natural landscape has increased greatly.
62lava (n)/ˈlɑːvə/dung nham (từ núi lửa)When the lava entered the ocean, much of the marine life was boiled alive.
63lowland (n, adj)/ˈləʊlənd/đồng bằng, đất thấpTechnical change in lowland areas has significantly increased demand for labor on lowland farms.
64mammal (n)/ˈmæml/động vật có vúThe platypus is a mammal that lays eggs, which is uncommon for mammals.
65map (v)/mæp/tạo lập bản đồNew technology is making it easier to survey, map, and analyze natural resources.
66mate (n, v)/meɪt/bạn tình, động vật giao phốiPeacocks spread their beautiful tails to attract mates.
67migrate (v)/maɪˈɡreɪt/di cưThe little Arctic tern (chim Nhàn Bắc Cực) is the bird that migrates the farthest (it can fly from 70,000 to 90,000 km every year!).
68mountainous (adj)/ˈmaʊntənəs/nhiều đồi núiMany plants struggle to survive in mountainous areas.
69national park (n)/ˌnæʃnəl ˈpɑːk/vườn quốc giaUNESCO-recognised Phong Nha – Ke Bang national park is home to some of the world’s largest caves.
70non-renewable (adj)/ˌnɒn rɪˈnjuːəbl/không thể tái tạoFossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
71nuclear energy / nuclear power (adj)/ˌnjuːkliər ˈenədʒi/, /ˌnjuːkliə ˈpaʊə(r)/năng lượng hạt nhânNuclear energy benefits because nuclear generation does not require oil, gas or coal from foreign sources.
72organic (adj)/ɔːˈɡænɪk/hữu cơOrganic produce is purchased fresh from farmers.
73pesticide (n)/ˈpestɪsaɪd/thuốc trừ sâuThe pesticides that farmers spray on their crops kill pests, but they can also damage people’s health.
74poisonous (adj)/ˈpɔɪzənəs/độcThe Black Widow is a tiny spider with a poisonous bite.
75pollute (v),polluter (n)/pəˈluːt/,/pəˈluːtə(r)/(người, nguồn) gây ô nhiễmThe fertilizers and pesticides used on many farms are polluting the water supply/are the biggest water supply polluters.
76power plant /power station (n)/ˈpaʊə plɑːnt/,/ˈpaʊə steɪʃn/nhà máy điệnThermal power plants (Nhà máy nhiệt điện) generate electricity by converting heat into electricity.
77preserve/reserve (n)/prɪˈzɜːv/, /rɪˈzɜːv/khu bảo tồnThe area has been designated a nature reserve.
78produce (n)/ˈprɒdjuːs/,/ˈprəʊduːs/,/ˈprɑːduːs/nông sảnBuying local produce from local markets can help reduce packaging waste.
79producer (n)/prəˈdjuːsə(r)/nhà sản xuấtChina and India are the top 2 world’s largest producers of rice due to their billion population.
80protection (n)/prəˈtekʃn/sự bảo vệAnimal protection supporters gathered to protest against hunting.
81relief (n)/rɪˈliːf/cứu trợ (thiên tai…)An effective multinational force will help speed the delivery of humanitarian relief.
82renewable (adj)/rɪˈnjuːəbl/có thể tái tạoThey promote the use of renewable resources like soybean oil.
83reptile (n)/ˈreptaɪl/,/ˈreptl/bò sátReptiles are cold-blooded animals – they need the sun to stay warm.
84resource (n)/rɪˈsɔːs/, /rɪˈzɔːs/tài nguyênShrimp farming competes with rice production for land and water resources.
85saltwater (n)/ˈsɔːltwɔːtə(r)/nước mặnThe white spot disease is by far the most common and fatal disease to infect fish and saltwater aquariums.
86shock (n)/ʃɒk/, /ʃɑːk/chấn động (của vụ nổ, động đất,…)The shock of the explosion could be felt six miles away.
87shore (n)/ʃɔː(r)/bờ (sông, biển, hồ,…)Rubbish of all sorts is washed up on the shore.
88solar (adj)/ˈsəʊlə(r)/dùng năng lượng mặt trờiSolar panels (Pin mặt trời) are used to power satellites.
89species (n)/ˈspiːʃiːz/giống loài, chủng loạiThe effect of climate change on species richness was evaluated.
90stream (n)/striːm/dòng suốiOur rivers and streams are polluted with a host of chemicals.
91sustainable (adj)/səˈsteɪnəbl/bền vững, ít gây hại cho môi trườngThe website encourages sustainable fashion through swapping.
92tropical (adj)/ˈtrɒpɪkl/,/ˈtrɑːpɪkl/nhiệt đớiThe Amazon river basin contains the world’s largest tropical rainforest.
93tsunami (n)/tsuːˈnɑːmi/sóng thầnIn 2004 an earthquake triggered a tsunami that destroyed entire communities in Indonesia.
94turbine (n)/ˈtɜːbaɪn/tua bin điệnA one-megawatt turbine can produce enough electricity annually to meet the needs of 700 households.
95venom (n)/ˈvenəm/nọc độcThe snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.
96vet/veterinarian (n)/vet/,/ˌvetərɪˈneəriən/bác sỹ thú yThe farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.
97volcanic (adj),volcano (n)/vɒlˈkænɪk/, /vɒlˈkeɪnəʊ/núi lửa, bị ảnh hưởng bởi núi lửaThe island is volcanic and the sand on the beaches has turned black.
98waste (n)/weɪst/chất thảiThe private sector plays a significant role in waste management.
99wildlife (n)/ˈwaɪldlaɪf/động vật hoang dãThe forest is home to a wealth of wildlife.
100woodland (adj)/ˈwʊdlənd/rừngThese ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments.